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KAP - Kundalini Activation Process

There are currently no sessions scheduled, contact us to book.

A divine transmission of non-dual consciousness and raw kundalini energy.

50 British pounds
Zen Jungle Retreat|The Eye Bistro|Jungle Club - Lakeside Grill

Service Description

Kundalini Activation Process is a divine transmission of non-dual consciousness and raw kundalini energy. The Transmission removes blockages in your chakra, allowing your own kundalini energy source to begin to shift and rise. A rising kundalini will lead to awakening. This powerful experience takes your mind, body and consciousness beyond time and physicality. It reconnects you to source and opens inner wisdom which in turn promotes creativity, intuition, greater awareness of the divine forces, connectedness and makes being your best self easier to attain. This event will last two hours. No experience necessary, you will lie down, close your eyes, some music is played... that is all. What goes on inside is a whole other story. Imp - exclusions - severe delusional or manic mental illness because of the actual reality shifts experienced. Epilepsy - embodyment behaviours during could mask siezures. Over six months pregnant because KAP can become extremely physical for some. Eat only lightly before the event. No alcohol or drugs. Bring an open mind and courage.

Contact Details

  • Zen Jungle Retreat, Holsworthy, UK


  • Zen Jungle Retreat, Holsworthy, UK


  • Zen Jungle Retreat, Holsworthy, UK


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