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Who Are You, Really?

Writer: Jason JungleJason Jungle

Is it your time to self realise?

For most of our lives, we’re caught in a relentless tide of distraction. It begins early. As children, we’re kept endlessly occupied—entertained, educated, guided, and sometimes pressured by our parents. Then comes school, where we chase grades, strive for approval, and dream about the milestones that lie ahead: a career, a partner, a home, a better life.

We graduate into adulthood, a phase many of us imagine will bring freedom, yet it only deepens the cycle. Now, we’re busy working harder, earning enough to pay the bills and the taxes, chasing promotions, and saving for a house or that long-overdue holiday. We seek joy in better cars, bigger houses, and fleeting experiences that promise fulfilment but often leave us wanting more.

This endless striving leaves little time—no time, really—to stop and ask the fundamental questions:

  • What is this existence?

  • Where am I, truly?

  • What made me, and what holds all this together?

  • Why do I rarely notice the magic that surrounds me?

For years, I didn’t even know these questions existed. My life was submerged in the stories society told me about success, happiness, and purpose. I was ticking boxes, checking milestones, and pursuing dreams I thought were mine but were really inherited ideas.

When the Journey Stops Feeling Exciting

At first, the journey feels exciting, full of possibility. There’s a sense of optimism that if you just work hard enough, play the game, and follow the rules, you’ll eventually “arrive” at fulfilment.

But for many, there comes a moment when the spark starts to dim. You’ve achieved some of the things you thought would make you happy, but the joy feels fleeting, incomplete. You keep thinking, If I just get this next thing, I’ll finally feel at peace. But no matter what you do, that peace remains elusive.

This was my story for years. I tried everything: new goals, new hobbies, new jobs, new holidays. Each brought a momentary high, but it never lasted. Slowly, I began to suspect that the box I was trying to tick didn’t even exist—that I was chasing something I couldn’t define because I didn’t understand what I was truly looking for.

The Crisis Point: Turning Inward

For me, the turning point came in the form of a quiet crisis. Nothing I tried was working anymore. The distractions I used to rely on couldn’t drown out the nagging sense that something essential was missing. I didn’t know what I was searching for, but I knew I had to stop looking outward.

That’s when I was guided—perhaps by sheer desperation—to turn inward.

I started with stillness. Sitting quietly, no goals, no expectations. It was uncomfortable at first. My mind rebelled, filling the space with endless noise. But slowly, through meditation and presence, I began to notice something: beneath the noise, there was a depth, a stillness, a presence that felt more real than anything I had ever experienced.

Everything I Thought I Knew Was Wrong

As I explored this inner space, I started asking questions I had never considered.

  • What is this awareness that watches my thoughts?

  • Where do my thoughts come from?

  • Who am I, beyond my name, my roles, my stories?

These questions brought a startling realisation: everything I thought I knew about myself and the world was just a collection of subjective ideas. None of it was absolute truth. My beliefs, my identity, even my understanding of reality—they were all constructs, inherited or imagined, not the unshakable truths I had once believed.

I began to see that the life I had been living was a story, a narrative based on a tiny sliver of possibility. And even more startling: I would never truly know anything for certain. Not even the nature of this existence.

Is this all a dream? If it is, who or what is dreaming it? If it isn’t, how did all these magical coincidences of creation come together to form this experience? I had no answers—only awe.

Touching the Infinite

It was during meditation, breathwork, and moments of deep stillness that I began to touch something vast. Sometimes, it felt like a fleeting glimpse, a whisper of truth beyond words. Other times, it was overwhelming: a full-body experience of connection so profound it left me in tears.

I began to sense that what we call "life" is only a fraction of what’s possible. That our awareness is part of something limitless—a singularity, infinite and eternal.

In these moments, I realised that life isn’t about finding answers. It’s about dissolving the illusions that keep us small. It’s about stepping into the vastness of what we don’t know, what we can’t explain, and allowing ourselves to simply be.

A New Way of Living

This journey isn’t about reaching a destination or finding the one thing that makes life complete. It’s about awakening to the realisation that you already are complete. You are part of an infinite whole, and the life you’ve been living is just one chapter in an endless story of possibilities.

From this perspective, life becomes lighter, more joyful. The need to chase or achieve dissolves. You find yourself appreciating the simple magic of being alive—the way the sun feels on your skin, the rhythm of your breath, the incredible synchronicities that weave through your days.

And with this awareness comes a profound peace. Not the fleeting kind you find in external achievements, but a deep, abiding peace that comes from knowing you are not separate from anything. You are the limitless, the infinite, the whole.

Your Journey Awaits

If you’ve ever felt like there’s something missing, like the life you’re living doesn’t quite feel like yours, know that you’re not alone. And know that the answers—or better yet, the freedom from needing answers—are already within you.

Take a moment to sit in stillness. Breathe. Be. Your journey to self-realisation has already begun.


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