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Writer's pictureJason Jungle

Understanding ADHD: A Holistic Perspective with True Causes, and Solutions

The explosion in mental health labels

In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the diagnosis of various behavioral patterns within the mental health industry. This trend often involves compartmentalizing behaviors, assigning them labels, and encouraging individuals to identify with these conceptual tags. While each human being is unique, the mental health industry tends to generalize behavioral patterns, providing names that can sometimes lead to an unhealthy self-identification with a specific label.

The nature of ADHD

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is commonly characterized by patterns of easy distraction, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. However, it is crucial to recognize that these patterns result from a combination of subjective ideas and thought triggers accumulated throughout an individual's life. These triggers react to external experiences, such as sights, sounds, and other sensory inputs, driving actions, reactions, and behaviors.

The mechanism of the mind

Humans accumulate polarized views on nearly everything, forming ideas, beliefs, and opinions through judgment. These subjective views often become mistaken for truths and act as triggers that influence thoughts, actions, and behaviors. ADHD, like many other mental health labels, results from this mechanism of the mind. The accumulation of ideas and beliefs creates a storm of thought triggers, leading to distraction and behavioral patterns associated with ADHD.

The role of thought triggers

ADHD presents as a pattern of easy distraction, which is based on the number, nature, and combination of active thought triggers. A trigger responds to any experience in the outside world, including visuals, sounds, words, smells, and other sensory sensations. The accumulation of the ideas that drive the trigger dictates the ease of distraction and movement into thought, which causes reactions and behaviors.

Identifying with labels

While ADHD is now a common label and "owned" pattern by many who are diagnosed with it and identify with it, the truth is that its cause is far more easily resolved than one might expect. The clinical fraternity may choose to medicate it, but there is little or no holistic basis for that based on the true cause.

Holistic causes and solutions

The root cause of ADHD lies in the attachment to ideas and beliefs that drive thought triggers. These attachments are purely informational and are accumulated arbitrarily over time. The level of importance and truth assigned to these attachments dictates their reactiveness as triggers.

Holistic solutions to ADHD involve understanding and addressing the mind's mechanism of attachment and thought triggers. This process includes:

  • Sensory Redirection and Mindfulness: Learning to redirect sensory input and practicing mindfulness helps in becoming consciously aware of thoughts and repeatedly removing attention from them. This reduces the impact of triggers and fosters a state of inner peace.

  • Self-Inquiry and Realization: Engaging in self-inquiry reveals the underlying attachments and beliefs that drive behavioral patterns. By examining and dissolving these attachments, individuals can move beyond labels like ADHD and discover their true, peaceful selves.

  • Committed Practice: Regularly practicing mindfulness and sensory redirection is essential. This consistent effort leads to the dissolution of triggers, allowing individuals to gain control over their thoughts and actions.

The broader implications for mental health

The mental health crisis can be attributed to a lack of understanding of the mind's mechanism. Many behavioral patterns, including ADHD, are managed symptomatically rather than addressing the root cause. By exploring the mind's mechanism and embracing holistic solutions, individuals can transform their perspectives, behaviors, and overall mental well-being.

Moving to the cause and away from mental health symptoms

ADHD, like many other mental health labels, is a pattern driven by the accumulation of ideas, beliefs, and thought triggers. Understanding and addressing the mind's mechanism through mindfulness, sensory redirection, and self-inquiry offers a holistic solution. By taking control of attachments and thoughts, individuals can move beyond labels and discover their true, peaceful selves, free from the constraints of mental health issues.

Embracing this journey of self-realization can lead to profound transformations and a deeper understanding of who we are at our core, causing the chain reaction of self realisation and spiritual awakening.

Looking at societal life and mental health

The truth of life and what it has currently become for most humans on the planet, is that we have an incredibly high effort task of managing where we fit, success, who we should be, what we should do, figuring out how to gain meaning, and the endless chase for what will bring us happiness or peace.

Our current structure of human existence creates endless challenges and fuels endless thought and strategisation of what to be, do and have to make it all work. It means that the accumulation of ideas, beliefs and attachments has become compulsive in the hope that we can find the magical answer to what will bring us happiness and peace.

Mental health patterns are all related to that effect. They are the outcomes of both trying to manage it all, and for many trying to escape it all. They are the result of how it feels to accumulate a broad range of perspectives and opinions on almost every area of life and to become submerged in the way those perspectives feel. In addition, the level of success or fail;ure that we percieve we are having when compared to others, and the expectations we set for ourselves creates a storm of self opinions. Most of them negative.

It is here when we look at the nature and construct for human life itself, that should be the driver of the questions around why mental health is the explosion it is. As we take a step back and look at the ever more contrived lives we lead, driven by comparison and competetion, chasing and avoidance that we start to notice that the symptoms are unsurprising, because the nature of life has ceased to serve the peace of the human soul.

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