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  • Is there any way to come and stay for less than 30 days?
    The short answer is yes, with the following options : 1. We run a 14 day intensive transformation starting at 7pm on the second friday of each month for those with less time. 2. We are also open for time out and meditation only stays of 7 to 90 days to allow you to join a like-minded community to learn and join practices and facilitations. This runs in parallel with the transformational retreats but without the talks, workshops and teaching that forms the basis of transformation. If you are considering the Butterfly Program for transformation and trying to decide on 30 days + or The 14 day intensive, please read on to gain a better understanding. We have found over time that condensing the program into less time gives less time to embed and integrate lasting change but also creates a very different dynamic for guests at the retreat. Having operated the 10 day retreat transformation for some time, which has been successful for most guests, we found often that it created an urgency and a boot camp style approach from participants, leaving much to embed and integrate after leaving. Having an urgent, goal oriented mindset while you're here can be unhelpful, no matter how much you want the result. The aim is to allow yourself to truly relax and stop for long enough to find peace and a break from repetitive cycles. Chasing inner peace in order to embed life-long change, is a paradox because there's no peace in chasing. Urgency also often means practices become a means to an end, rather than being enjoyed for their underlying nature, which can undermine outcomes. Whilst not always available, the option of the 14 day intensive retreat for those who simply cannot free up the time to spend 30 days or more with us may be a consideration for your stay. This is not our first choice option for effectiveness and it's more intense for participants but we operate it on selected friday start dates throughout the year to help those who couldn't otherwise allocate the time access the transformation. For most participants it is finding deep inner peace and connection that really matters, and that is best done with all the time and space necessary. 30 days or more will see you settle and relax into the space and progressively find a deep inner peace, having truly embedded the practices and let go of the attachments and triggers that were the root cause of your overthinking and other paterns. Even 30 days is not a long period to unlearn life-long habits and truly see new perspective, so we recommend opting for the longest stay you can make time for. The longer you stay and the more integrated changes will be, making going back to your life much easier and enjoyable. ​ Taking 30 days or more out of your life to find your peace, feel freedom and find true purpose is great reward for little effort, and in this case the only real effort is making the decision to attend. Your stay will be a combination of a life-changing transformation and the most relaxing holiday you could ever imagine. Just what you need.
  • Can I arrive on any day of the week to start the program?
    The best day to arrive at the retreat is always on a Friday, because that's when new guests have a welcome brief at 7pm and can settle get to know each other and other participants. Arriving on any other day is no problem at all, it just means fitting in to the schedule and either using the welcome videos or attending the next Friday briefing.
  • I've never done anything like this, do I need any experience?
    This process, by it's very nature is fundamentally new to most guests. It will certainly not be what you expect it to be, and that's a really good thing. Going around in circles with repetitive cycles can only be broken by a deep shift in your life perspectives, coupled with the time needed to embed new thinking and a new state of being. In order to do that you will need to deeply let go of many of your life-long, limiting beliefs. The techiques we teach are quite simple to learn and require time and space to really embed. The time you spend here will quickly make you an advanced practitioner of them all, meaning prior experience is unnecessary. It is also true that the way we action the practices is unique to the program, so previous experience in meditation and yoga is not always helpful and can have participants over complicate things. Which means it's best to attend with an open mind.
  • I'm on a spiritual journey, will this help me awaken?
    The short answer is yes, and it will have profound results. As you may have already discovered, humans have been deeply conditioned to live a very specific and limited life, one that suits society more than the individual. Hence the explosion in mental health issues. This is only part of the story though. We have all also been submerged in an almost infinite set of subjective ideas, on the assumption they are truth and taught to externalise our joy, peace and happiness. Meaning we project it into people, places and things then chase or avoid them endlessly. We have accepted them and adopted a way to live without question. Why does that matter? It is these subjective ideas that we unconsciously make into our personal truths and live our lives by. They are the source of almost all our limiting beliefs. Meaning we play out a certain set of actions, chase and avoid certain things and feel the need to run in an endless hamster wheel, just to feel ok. As we start to see the mechanism of the mind, the butterfly program will help you to dissolve and let go of it all on a purely energetic level. This is true awakening. We learn that while we hold subjective beliefs as personal truths, they create a veil over existence and life itself. They also mask the underlying truth behind the subjective idea based, societal program we have been running, just like a computer. Inner peace is just the beginning and as we explore the metaphysical, we extend our reach in consciousness and start to profoundly realise the true self. This brings both connection and intuition, removes fear and removes the existential angst or boredom you may or may not have been feeling already. Importantly, there is no spiritual dogma or ego here at the retreat. The butterfly program is one of pure unlearning and letting go to reveal a clean slate and deep inner peace, with nothing to be, do, have or seek. There will be no new rituals, concepts or spiritual "woo woo" added. Your contact with the metaphysical will be experiential not theoretical and you won't be told how to interpret it. Experience is pure, it has no meaning unless we create and attach to subjective ideas about it. Here you will learn non-judgement, the state of being where you are in balance and realise that experiences have no need of a arbitrary, polarised, personal opinion being placed onto them. As you become comfortable with the reality that you will never truly "know" anything and the nature of truth itself, your experience of oneness will expand. The compulsive need to seek answers will fall away and your peace and connection with the whole will become everything you are.
  • I'm apprehensive, is the program is for me?
    Most of us spend our whole life without being exposed to anything other than the mainstream of medicine, psychology and healing, without any true understanding of spiritual health and wellbeing. It has become the norm to treat the symptom and not the cause, so much so that most of us haven't deeply considered why we feel the way we do and just want the symptoms to stop. Attending this program is certainly not that, and hopefully simply reading the details has stirred your thoughts about the underlying cause of how you feel, rather than focussing you more deeply on the symptoms. The butterfly program is both effective and life-changing for almost everyone because it allows you to ask the right questions and to truly understand who and what you are, and the cause of how you feel. It then enables you to take control and change everything. The truth is that most of us are in a similar position, and the fact that you're here just means that you've realised that something needs to change, even if you don't know what it is exactly. It may help for you to consider the following 32 things and see just how many you can relate to, if it's more than a few then the program will change everything for you. How many do you relate to? Overthinking, Worry or Anxiety Exhausted, tired of the "rat race" Trapped, need to escape Can't sleep, thinking all night Addicted or compulsive The world's gone mad, change it Low self opinion, self hatred Isolated or alone, want to belong Voice in the head, depression Looking for a way out, suicidal Guilt, blame, a victim Overcome by fear, fear of death Grief, loss, deep sadness Chronic pain, mental or physical Terminal illness Unable to overcome "Trauma" Dependency in relationships Need a soulmate or twin flame Problem and failed relationships “Toxic” or abusive relationships Inability to trust, insecurity Lack of self confidence Anger, poor impulse control Want to find peace, to relax Want or need to be free Want to find meaning or purpose Unhappy, want to find happiness Seeking to awaken, you or others Want to find connection Want to find flow and intuition Seeking enlightenment Wanting to transcend it all If you relate to almost every one, you are not alone and it's a sign that you are accumulating a perspective on life from the way you are living that simply doesn't serve you. In order for things to change you'll need to see a bigger picture and completely change your perspectives, while at the same time realising that you can let go of it all. The program will help you realise new perspectives on you, your life and existence itself, and it will give you an ability to control what you think, when you think and if you think at all. In the absence of thought there is no suffering, only peace. When you realise inner peace will cure all, apply to stay.
  • Is the retreat religious or spiritual?
    We all have our own unique definition of spiritual and if your definition suggests either religion or the need to believe in a higher power etc, then this program is really not that. There is no religious dogma or ego here and there will be no sessions that relate to creating subjective beliefs that can only create a dependency on an externality, such as a higher power. ​ What this program will do is allow you to self enquire and experientially sense what you really are. In all likelihood, this will not reveal a higher power but it will reveal the whole, and it will reveal that you have been living such a limited existence. It will also reveal that you are deeply connected to way more than you know. For many this process will be brand new and in parts very high impact and overwhelming as it chllenges your deepest held beliefs but it will also reveal a magic of life and existence that you have likely never seen. ​ If one definition of spiritual is the realisation that you are a connected being with limitless reach and possibilities, then the butterfly program could be termed spiritual on many levels. Impotantly however, these realisations will not be taught to you as ideas to accumulate, you will be given the space and time to experientislly realise them for yourself.
  • Am I too old or too young
    The reason yo9u are researching this program is that you are at a point in your life where you have noticed something needs to change. It qill become quickly appharent at the retreat that this is not you somehow failing, it's a cycle that finds almost everyone at some point. If you are here it's because you are more aware than most that something isn't right but you're not sure what it is. It's the beginning of awakening. Your age has no bearing on the stage you are at and your need for peace and further realisation. This is something that happens to the old and young alike, so no there is no too you or too old. For the older ones out there, it is easy to decide that you are too old to change deeply rooted habits, learn or make life changes but nothing could be further from the truth. No matter what your age, the program will have profound results for you.
  • I have an alchohol addiction, will this work for me?
    Addiction is a symptom not a cause. The life we lead creates an accumulation of negative ideas about the world and our reality, creating lots of triggers and stress. Alchohol is just one of the many vehicles used to escape from the way life feels. If our accumulated ideas about the different aspects of our lives cause a need of escape, why focus on the addiction rather than changing the cause? ​ This program will slowy expose the many ideas you have formed about your life, and will expose the impact of having a large collection of negative life perspectives. It's exhausting and unsurprising that you need a break. It will take your peace with overthinking and it will often make you feel hemmed in or trapped. If life currently feels better with a drink than without one, it's because of this negative accumulation. ​ As we slowly and holistically take you through a process to see fundamentally new perspectives on life and help you see the part you have played in unconsciously creating and accumulating the negative ideas, you will quickly see how the practices will allow you to let go. ​ As you let go, your mind will fall into peaceful silence. When the mind is silent there is no feeling of being trapped and so no need for escape, only underlying joy in the peace. You will leave the retreat having transformed and will emerge with a life you no longer need to escape from. This will make alchohol both redundant and optional, and if you do drink it will be for recreation only and not a dependency. ​ If you have already been involved in any of the more mainstream programs for addiction and addicts, the above may deeply conflict with what you have been told. If this makes you unsure then please take the time to re-read the above to sense deeply if it resonates within you and describes where you are, then let that be your guide.
  • I have depression, anxiety, trauma or another "mental illness", will this retreat work for me?
    The retreat is holistic and will experientially demonstrate that almost all mental illnesses are labels given to those with certain patterns or triggered behaviours. All thoughts, words, actions, reactions and behaviours are triggered by our attached beliefs, that we have accumulated over a lifetime. Most patterns are rooted in the same cause and this retreat will be transformative on working on the cause not the symptom. Anxiety, overthinking, paranoia, OCD, insecurity, trust issues, dependency, addiction, trauma and depression will all be profoundly affected as their causes are experientially exposed. There is no focus on these specifics but the holistic process will allow you to let go of the core drivers of your thoughts, words, actions, reactions and behaviours until you find yourself truly at peace inside. None of the above can exist when we truly let go and find our inner peace and a quiet mind. The suffering that is created by all of the above requires thought to enable it. As we become thoughtlessly present and aware of how to dissolve triggers, involuntary thought progressively ceases to intrude. Our results for people just like you have been life-changing and with no further medication or or need for future management. For more information review the mental health benefits
  • Do you do plant medecine, ayahuasca or mushroom ceremonies at the retreat?
    Psychadelic journeys and medecines are not a solution in and of themselves. Whilst they may support letting go, they offer little or no conscious awareness of the cause and mechanism that you are experiencing and seeking answers for. The journey of awakening and healing is one that begins with awareness and understanding. The patterns we experience, while unconsciously self created, are caused by our own conditioned habits and behaviours. It means without clarity and understanding, there will always be ongoing recurrence and new, unwanted repetitive cycles if habitual behaviours don't change, which must bne done consciously. The plant medicines can be a great support when used to compliment a bigger journey but in our experience, they are an unnecessary addition that often becomes a dependency in itself. The use of other holistic modalities for metaphysical journeys that are often equal to psychadelic induced journeys, are in our opinion a better option to support letting go, release and exposure to braoder consciousness. These work best when used as a compliment to pointers and talks used to induce changing perspectives and behaviours. This combination has lasting, permanent results and creates no ritualistic dependency. If curiosity or seeking answers is driving you towards plant medicine, then you have become attached to the prospect of knowing something that can never be known. As we find inner peace and naturally connect, the experiences you seek will become readily available to you without medecines and they will reveal that they are just that, new dimensions of experience and a broadening of your conscious awareness. Will any metaphysical experience provide you with definitive answers? No, they are simply fertile ground for you to create further subjective ideas about their nature and meaning, and there will be no proveable truth in those ideas.
  • Will I be required to speak or talk about my life or past?
    This is not councelling or a form of psychology. You will quickly learn that each time you share what you have attached to as the reasons for the way you feel, you give energy to the reason and justify that you should feel the way you do. As we share what we are holding onto from the past, explaining it's impact to others. we commit publicly that we are justifiedin how we feel and embed in it more deeply. The feelings progressively become inevitable and unavoidable. There is nothing you need to share or divulge in this space and there is no repression either. Most workshops and coaching sessions have no need of your past and your ideas about it and so it will not be discussed. You will also be given the foundational instruction to "be you now" meaning that you cease to define who you are by experiences from the past, which incidentally are long gone and no longer happening or relevant. The past has gone and all you have is the present moment. This program will ensure you finally move on from it and truly let it go. The process you're about to embark upon will uncover a deep understanding of consciousness and the mind, and in doing so you will see how you have attached to your past and why. This will empower you, withe the right techniques and practices to let go and move on.
  • I have deep sadness or grief, will it work for me?
    We are heavily conditioned to accumulate deep attachments to the experiences we have in life. Grief and sadness is a whole range of deeply held beliefs that usually include an inability to accept what is and to move forward, together with a complex web of insecurity, conditioned reactions around death itself and dependency. During the program you will grow in presence and start to live in the moment, meaning that your involuntary thoughts of the past will first reduce and then dissolve to become a silent mind. As we find thoughtless peace inside, there are no thoughts telling you you're sad, feeling loss or anable to continue alone. You will quickly see that your suffering is all created by you involuntary thoughts. This is not some move to being robotic or heartless, it is simply finding the thoughtless peace inside, absent of all the triggered thoughts that are currently intruding into your life. The past has gone and can only exist within this moment if our triggered thoughts bring it to your present. Without thought, this moment and what is happening right now has none of the past and none of the grief or sadness because it's an ever evolving new moment. The mind is very powerful however and until we understand it more fully, we are beholden to the involuntary thoughts it will unleash upon us. It is only within those thoughts that we suffer. Your inner peace will slowly descend and in the absence of your thoughts you will have no grief, sadness, loss or insecurity. You will also gain true independence, meaning that you are no longer reliant on the presence of people, places and things in the outside world, for a joyful state of being. It becomes your default state.
  • I feel like life has lost meaning or am suicidal
    You are not alone. Hopelessness or feeling that life is meaningless comes from the accumulation of ideas that we must manage and maintain in our lives without knowing why it's like that. Life may make little sense and have little point to it and in truth, that's your level of awareness and awakening growing. There is often a crisis before the journey out. The butterfly program is perfect for you, it will open up your perspectives to new and magical things and it will expose the conditioned life that does not serve the individual for what it is. As you become free of involuntary thoughts you will also become free. Free of the meaninglessness and free of the nagative thoughts that you are currently submerged in. This is when it all changes and life becomes something you can love.
  • There's nothing wrong with me, I just want to feel better.
    Many who are considering the retreat simply want to feel better. There may be a feeling of existential boredom or angst, or it may simply be a lack of fulfillment in life. There doesn't need to be a label given to how you feel but you're here, and that's for a reason. It is often true that we are unconscious of the underlying reasons for what or how we feel but there is a knowing that something needs to change. The butterfly program will bring that change and offer the space and time to self enquire, awaken, find your peace and reveal your limitless being.
  • Do you do financial assistance?
    We are able to take payment in installments prior to the stay, giving you time to arrange the time needed and the finance requires. We do not do free places or charitably assisted places as the retreat costs are the bare minimum for what is offered. Graduates of the program may be able to join our karma butterfly program, which allows for them to stay at the retreat and support both the opertaional cooking, housekeeping and gardening. This is subsidised and by application as it's only given to those who can help others on their journey.
  • Is there anything else to pay for once I here?
    There are no extra charges for teachings or facilitations, and breakfast and dinner are provided 5 days per week. Your cabin is fully equipped and has a beautiful kitchen, meaning for the meals outside of those provided you will have the minimal cost of shopping. Water and juices are provided with meals but should you wish to purchase other drinks from the bar they will be extra. Whilst the bar is fully stocked, we serve alchoholic drinks on only one day every week. Firepit cooking is much loved at the retreat and we will usually have cookouts at least once a week for dinner on non food days. Food purchase is optional for these cookouts and must be booked in advance. You are of course at liberty to self cater you meals on those days. There are no unmentioned surprise charges or costs.
  • Can we come as a couple or with family or friends?
    The retreats are priced and booked individually. Should you wish to come as a couple or with a friend, you can pay for a shared cabin for two or for bigger numbers take a dorm cabin for up to 4. Coming with friends, family or your partner can be destructive to the process. Much of the awakening and transformation process relies on you having isolation from the ideas and beliefs that surround you outside the retreat. Familiar people often bring that in, meaning that during and after sessions there is an urge to share long held and shared beliefs and opinions. This process works best for those who are very committed to change and their own personal journey and who take the journey independently. That means we recommend sharing only if you are very much aligned and on the same journey as the person you share a cabin with. This is automatic where you share with a guest you don't know but is often a comfort exercise with a less willing participant when you bring others you know. For that reason choose to come in a group very carefully.
  • Do I need to stay for the full 10 days?
    Your personal transformation has been expertly designed around our 10 day program. This is the amount of time it takes to totally change your life forever. The structure is specifically tailored for high efficiency and therefore we recommend completion from start to finish to experience the full results. While you are at liberty to leave at any time, all retreats are sold as a 10 day stay and we recommend remaining for the full duration.
  • Does the retreat accept children as guests?
    Not at the trransformational retreats The Zen Jungle Retreat is a relaxing haven of peace and tranquillity and as a result is designed to be adults over 18 only. However, we do have future plans to work on a children's masterclass and run a specialised ‘Kids week’ here at the retreat so that your little ones can benefit from the same teachings as you. Look out for childrens transformations At Zen jungle we believe that by catching children very early and teaching them to become conscious and not to create the idea based world that most adults live in, we can change lives profoundly. With that in mind, we are building a retreat format just for kids. This format will be less focussed on the unlearning that is so transformative for adults and more about creating conscious and present children who are in a permanently peaceful and happy state. Check the dates and availability page for Zen Jungle kids, dates are limited.
  • Can I bring my four-legged friend?
    While we are dog lovers ourselves, we unfortunately cannot facilitate guest dogs at the retreat. Your 10 day transformation is an epic, immersive experience with lots of time for presence and personal practice. Therefore, we minimise distractions so that you can get the most out of your stay. However, we do have on-site dogs that enjoy cuddles if you’re ever in need.
  • Can I bring friends who don’t want to do the retreat?
    Our retreat location was specifically chosen due to its secluded nature. The depth of teaching at the retreat is incomparable and designed to totally transform your life. We play our part but it’s up to you to put it into practice. All guests are encouraged to dedicate their 10 days here to their own personal transformation. While attendance to all talks and workshops is optional, being here for the purpose of transformation is not. Those who wish to visit Zen Jungle but are not interested in the retreat are welcome to do so during our ‘accommodation only’ stays, which will be advertised when available.
  • What’s included in my 10 Day Transformation?
    Prior to arriving at the retreat, you will gain access to our online course which is a personalised accompaniment to the Masterclass. This forms a great basis upon which to start your journey at the retreat. When you arrive, your 10 Day Transformation includes access to all teaching talks, coaching, workshops, guided practice and activities as well as your accommodation which you’ll choose when booking.
  • What are the accommodation options?
    We currently have available 7 luxury, oak cabins that will be your home away from home during your transformation. Each is elegantly decorated with a unique fusion of alpine chalet and bohemian chic. 5 of our cabins are 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. 2 have 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom. All cabins have a fully equipped kitchen area with oven, microwave, induction hob, fridge, freezer, toaster, kettle, dishwasher, washing machine and all utensils and crockery. They also have beautiful, cosy lounge areas with private deckings looking over the valley.
  • I haven’t read the Masterclass, can I still come to the retreat?
    Our retreat is open to everyone interested in experiencing life changing results. Our program has an excellent success rate regardless of whether you have read the Masterclass prior to your visit. That said, we strongly recommend reading the Masterclass before your stay as it provides a strong basis of understanding which will accelerate your progress here at the retreat. Upon purchase of the transformation, you receive access to the online course that accompanies the Masterclass.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    We take a 50% non-refundable deposit upon booking and full payment 4 weeks before arrival. If you need to reschedule, we are happy to oblige with a minimum of 4 weeks notice prior to your retreat date.
  • Can I arrive by public transport, trains or buses?
    Our location is in a valley on the boarder of Devon and Cornwall. It's idyllic for personal transformation but can limit public transport options or make journey times longer. For most retreats we arrange collection of multiple guests from Exeter train station, free of charge, which is around 1hr 15minutes from us. It’s also possible to pre-book taxis from Exeter or Okehampton station. If you require collection from Exeter, please contact us on the chat to confirm availability and be aware that we usually collect later in the afternoon on the friday of arrival. We will of course return you to the station at the end of the retreat.
  • Do I need to attend all talks and teachings?
    The 10 day transformation is scheduled experience and follows a set journey for each participant. Our process requires full commitment both in the group sessions and in the time set aside for practice. That said, nothing is compulsory and you are at liberty to attend all or just some of the talks and teachings. It should be noted however that your result will depend not only on your understanding of the content but on the unfolding of the journey and your ability to both integrate and live the process. We strongly recommend attendence at all group activities, even the firepits and cookouts where questions and learning arises often.
  • I have dietary requirements. What food is supplied at the retreat?
    The retreat is a self sufficient haven. It has permaculture gardens and growing with livestock onsite too. This means that during the cookouts and at the bistro we use all our own, home grown produce to create food for meat lovers, vegetarians and vegans alike.
  • What do I need to pack?
    We always advise packing wellies, the countryside can get pretty muddy and we love to be outdoors! They’re not always necessary in the summer months, but you won’t survive a winter retreat without them. Suitable outdoor clothes are also recommended. Every cabin is complete with a washing machine, so there’s no need to go overboard. However, a range of clothing for various activities (e.g. loungewear, loose clothing for free movement, waterproofs and warm jumpers for the evening) is useful. Our accommodation is self catered so please bring any food or drinks you wish to have during your stay. There are local shops 6 miles from the site if you need to top up your supplies. We provide all bed linen and towels.
  • How do I get there and where do I park?
    Google maps will navigate straight to the site if you type in Zen Jungle Retreat. Signal can be patchy as you get closer to our location, so it might be worth downloading the route before you leave. When you get here, you’ll see a sign for the retreat outside. Once inside, you’ll see directional signage to your cabin, so have the name handy to locate your accommodation. You can park right next to your lodge, so there’s no need to carry your luggage far.
  • Can I arrive in the dark?
    We are open all year round, so there will be many months when guests are arriving in the dark. This is not a problem, as the lodges are signposted and can be seen clearly with car headlights.
  • What time is check in/out?
    We operate a self check in process between 3pm and 6pm. The details of your cabin will be given to you before arrival, including the code to get in. Every retreat begins with a welcome meeting at 7pm on the day of arrival. We provide food and set the scene for your 10 Day Transformation as well as giving important information for your stay. Please ensure you allow plenty of time for check in so that you can make it to the talk.
  • Is there any wifi?
    Phone signal is patchy and unpredictable for many people on our site. We do have wifi that you can connect to and use in your cabin. However, we encourage you to switch off for as long as possible while you are here. Limiting internet or social media time is useful for getting the most out of your 10 Day Transformation.
  • How much free time will I have?
    Your tailored retreat itinerary is experience based, so there is lots going on while you are here. Although all aspects are optional, we encourage attendance to the whole schedule as it accelerates your journey. There is free time allocated every day so that you can do what you need as well as plenty of dedicated, solo practice time for stillness and quiet.
  • What facilities do you have at the retreat?
    All cabins are fully self catered with everything you need to live as if it were your own home. Across the site there are 5 firepit areas for you to use at your leisure for cosy evenings or cookouts. Our Sunset Beach Bar is open on 3 nights during your 10 day stay. The luxurious Satellite Yurt can be used as a cinema lounge and we have acres of land with bespoke areas for presence and relaxation. There are some ancient woodlands, perfect for sensory walks, and access to the Bude aqueduct path which takes you to Tamar Lake.
  • How do I self check in?
    Make sure you have the name of your cabin to hand before you arrive. Use the directional signage on site to find your lodge and park in the space provided next to it. Most of our cabins have key codes for entry. Your code will be emailed to you prior to arrival with instructions of how to get in. A couple of our cabins have keys. These will be left in the door for you upon arrival. When you arrive in your cabin, there will be instructions on how to get to The Eye Yurt for the welcome meeting at 7pm.
  • Where can I find local facilities?
    We are 6 miles from the nearest village of Holsworthy where you can find an M&S petrol station, a co-op and a Waitrose. 7 miles in the opposite direction is Bude, the nearby surfing town with stunning views and coastal walks. Bude has a number of supermarkets, shops and cafes/restaurants so you can get everything you need there.
  • How do I get help during my stay?
    Our team are available on site every day at talks, workshops and activities. You are welcome to speak to any of us for help at these points. For urgent matters, please contact us using the online chat box on our website ( and we will respond as soon as possible.
  • Can I buy any food on site?
    We have The Eye Bistro that serves our fresh produce from the garden on site. Meals will be available to buy here daily between certain hours. We also host a number of cookouts in our magnificent firepit areas throughout each retreat. You have the option of paying for catering at these cookouts.
  • Is it possible to simply book a cabin and stay at the retreat?
    Yes of course. The cabins are available between retreats for accomodation only bookings. As the retreat is a conscious wellness centre, you'll also have access to the activities and experiences from retreat club.
  • Do you serve food at the retreat?
    The cabins are self-catered and have beautiful kitchens and appliances. We will soon be open for food at the bistro nightly and currently the bar is open on request. We also do outdoor cookouts regularly, so once booked see the retreat club schedule for more information.
  • Is the retreat adults only?
    We do accept older children over 12 years old but as the retreat is a place for guests to find inner peace with no distraction, we ask that you determine if that will suit your children. The activities are great for more mindful children but may not occupy the more intense.
  • Can I bring my pet?
    Cabins are newly refurbished and so only well behaved pets are accepted. Whilst there is outdoor decking space, it doesn't offer confinement for dogs. We have our own dogs at the retreat and there is a huge amount of walks and space for them to enjoy.
  • Will I get fast internet?
    Yes, although remote the retreat is served by Starlink high spedd internet. Each cabin has a 5Mb connection, which is ample for streaming.
  • Are towels and linen provided?
    The cabins are fully equipped and all have bedding and towels.
  • Can the king size rooms be converted to twin rooms?
    In most cabins we have the option to convert the large king into twin beds, giving two people per room in separate beds. Star cabins are large double beds and do not split into two singles.
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