Choose which best decribes you?
I want to find inner peace, freedom & independence.
I feel stuck, like I'm going in circles and need something to change so I can feel good and really enjoy my life. I want the mind noise to stop, to feel at peace and fulfilled but don't know how.
I want to dissolve the cause of mental health issues.
I am suffering from overthinking, anxiety, depression, loss, meaninglessness or trauma, and or I'm using an addiction to escape. The solutions I've tried haven't worked and I want to heal permanently and be happy.
To feel good in the outer world, we must first feel peace in our inner world. This inner journey of self enquiry and discovery will bring the deepest level of awakening, holistic healing and peace inside. It will reveal your limitless being.
This 14+ night retreat is a profound, life-changing journey of awakening and transformation to inner peace, healing and connection.
If you're feeling stuck, like something needs to change or you want to evolve, heal and start living the magical life of deep inner peace, flow and connection you deserve, this journey to dissolving what's holding you back, is for you.
The transformative talks and teachings on this retreat will change your perspective on life forever, and the practices and facilitations will allow rediscovery of who you really are at the deepest levels. Whilst you may arrive with mind chaos or a need to heal, you will leave with a quiet mind, creativity, deep intuition, living your true purpose.
10 Reasons To Do
This retreat is full of life-changing, hidden wisdom that simply isn't taught in school, just some of which is shown below. It means it's transformative for almost everyone.
You will learn to truly understand the mechanism of your mind and see how to regain control, making it work for you, not against you.
You will see that mental health issues like anxiety, depression, hopelessness, meaninglessness,, adhd and the effects of trauma are a symptom not a cause, learning how to dissolve what causes them permanently.
You will realise the depth, nature and impact of your life-long societal conditioning, and learn to let go of the accummulated beliefs that create a veil over the true magic and adventure of life and dramatically you.
You will gain a deeper understanding of both existence itself and what you really are at the deepest levels, allowing you to progressively transcend fear and limitation.
You will experience spiritual evolution, loss of ego, connection and intuition through deep surrender and letting go, without dogma, religion or the creation of new spiritual ego.
You will learn to live and communicate consciously, moving out of reactivity, triggers and conflict with life and others..
You will find your own, unshakable, inner independence, removing insecurities and the cause of repetitive negative cycles in your relationships.
As you learn to love sitting quietly, alone and still, submerged in your own bliss and peace, involutary thoughts, loneliness and anxiety will all end.
As you become aware of things far beyond the reach of your senses, your consciousness will expand as you learn what intuition really is. No more endless planning and strategising your life.
You will find deep inner peace, and within it the freedom, joy, purpose and fulfillment of needing nothing more than yourself to feel good.

This retreat is a life-changing path to inner peace, purpose, independence & loving life
... and an effective way to dissolve the root cause of mental health and relationship issues, trauma and addiction.
Overthinking, Anxiety,
Worry & Stress
Our busy lives often make it seem that the little peace and happiness we have depends on what we do, have or seem to need to be. Dependency means we endlessly overthink and worry about what we deem important, anxiously expecting something to go wrong or to be taken away. The program will reveal dependency as the cause, and teach you to effectively dissolve the limiting beliefs that fuel it at source.
Addiction &
Impulse Control
Addiction is a symptom not a cause. It is a vehicle of escape for those who do not enjoy the way their lives feel when sober. It is present when we accumulate negative ideas about many aspects of life and form a perspective we no longer enjoy and need to escape from. This holistic, letting go process dissolve existing belief sets and change how you feel about life at the deepest levels by providing new perspective. This dissolves the root cause of addiction, bringing inner peace and joy by creating a life you need no escape from.
Relationship Issues,
Dependency & Insecurity
Relationships, break ups and the seacrh for a life partner can often provide some of the most emotional and difficult times in our lives. Having been conditioned to form partnerships and become dependent on those partners for our happiness, we are often either searching for them, trying to exit them or experiencing the trauma of losing them on a repetitive cylce. The program will expose your releationship with relationships and will allow you to find the personal independence that will free you and allow for healthy and happy life sharing.
Trauma is a common and very subjective term for deep attachment to our ideas of past events and experiences that we hold onto tightly and relive often in thought. As we unconsciously attach importance and a defining role to these past events within our lives, we create active thought triggers that make thoughts of them recur. Trauma can be completely dissolved by learning to let go of attached beliefs, and unlearning the habit of attachment.
Loss, Grief, Death
& Sadness
Us western humans have some very strong ideas about death and we also become very attached to and dependent on our family, friends and partners for our happiness. It is also now a social norm and almost expected for us to deeply embed in ideas of loss, grief and loneliness as we experience terminal illness or death. The program will help you develop a deep level of inner independence, by letting go of past attachments. You will find inner peace and joy, while retaining your fond memories.
& Bipolar
Both depression and bipolar are caused by a pattern of deeply attaching to a collection of ideas that would otherwise pass us by, giving them undue personal truth and importance. Judgement and attachment are unconscious habits that are a result of our conditioning. Whilst labels like depression and bipolar make these patterns appear tangible and clinical, you will learn how easily they can be unlearned and how by becoming more conscious, you can actively and permanently let go of past attachements, leaving no sign of depression or bipolar at all.
Blame, Guilt
& Victim
Both blame and guilt can be debilitating. Blame gives the power to control how you feel to an external entity, removing your responsibility. Blame also has us instantly take on the role of victim, which becomes a heavy part to be played which we often deeply identify with. You will learn how blame gives away your power, and how guilt takes your peace, learning that both are limiting beliefs that can be released by raising your consciousness and actively dissolving past blame, to create inner peace and freedom from the the role of helpless victim who has lost their power.
& Suicidal thoughts
We build our personal reality from our life experiences combined with thoughts of the subjective ideas and limiting beliefs we have accumulated about those experiences over a lifetime. If those beliefs become overpoweringly negative, life becomes heavy, like an ultimate, unbearable resistance. Hopelessness and considering the option of suicide is the result when we see no way out and feel that nothing else will work. This process helps dissolve the mass of attached ideas that cause hopelessness.
1 REALLY Good Reason
Not To DO IT!
This program requires an open mind, a willingness to let go of your deepest held beliefs, and a deep commitment to the practices throughout the reatreat.
Essentially it requires you to take full responsibility for how you feel now and for committing to the changes that will expose your inner peace.
If that's not you, why not try a meditation stay instead.
A unique, fun and powerful, combination of life changing tools.

Over 24 hours of talks and workshops, that will awaken and transform
Daily sessions will change how you see life forever, helping you to see and break out of a life-time of societal conditioning and to challenge the limiting beliefs holding you back. This will be a true awakening. Here are just some of the topics covered:
Understanding your two available realities
The cause and nature of all thought
Judgment, acceptance and forgiveness
How you make your own truth
How your beliefs drive all of your experiences
What triggers are and how they work.
Seeing the magical nature of your reality
Finding unconditional love for the first time
The end of separation and not belonging
Idea space, attraction and manifestation.
The talks are easy to understand and there's nothing to retain or learn, these teachings will simply resonate and unlock what you have felt but were unable to understand or control.

A 14 day masterclass in multi-dimensional meditation for guided and self practice
You will learn the foundations of meditation and start to understand and utilise it's true power to bring profound inner peace, raise consciousness and dissolve limiting beliefs. The meditative state will become a permanent way of life, with practices that will integrate into everything you do such as:
Sensory redirection, a powerful foundational tool.
Bliss through breath, senses and energetics.
Conscious communication, truly listen and respond.
Zazen, a foundational and progressive practice
Walking, eating and activity based meditation.
Karma meditation for peace in work and service
Movement, dance and ecstatic dance meditation
Through guided meditations, lessons and coaching you will become a master meditator, able to self guide your own practices, guide others and in the end, to slowly forget that you are practicing at all..

Shamanic Breathwork - an altered state experience.
Brings a profound sense of inner peace
A consciousness expanding inner journey
A profound method for deep attachment release
4+ Sessions in 14 days

Yoga nidra & hypnosis for deep peace, release, relaxation and altered states.
We have created unique nidra sessions mixing standard nidra for relaxation, with deeper hypnosis. It brings altered state journeys, past life regression and more. Nidra is a powerful partner in your transformation, not only will it bring you inner peace, it will allow you to let go of what holds you back
4+ Sessions in 14 Days

Sound ceremony and brainsync sessions will bring peace, release and relaxation.
Sound is an amazing healer and a portal to expanded consciousness. These sessions are beautiful, relaxing and powerful for release. They use binaural sound, singing bowls, and many other instruments or technologies to bring you into a deep state of meditation, by aligning brain hemispheres.
4+ Sessions in 14 Days
A life-long search for Inner peace & balance is core to all of us.
Until we find it, endless mind noise brings perpetual anxiety, a need to chase and avoid, lost fulfillment, mental suffering and seeking, the fiercest self critic and a feeling of being trapped with a repetitve need to escape.
When involuntary thinking stops, all your suffering ends!
Jason & Hannah
This selection of useful videos will help you get to know us before your stay.
We host many of the talks, workshops and practices, and are experienced facilitators in both meditation and several modalities of facilitations for metaphysical journey.
Having undergone personal crisis ourselves, healed and awakened, this program follows on from our book "The holistic masterclass in how to truly love life" with a coherent, in-person program that truly works to reveal inner peace.
So much so, we built this amazing retreat just to share it. Watch the videos to learn a little more about us, the retreat and the basis of the Butterfly Program.
A magical life can be yours
A typical day on retreat
You only suffer when you think
Overcome addiction, find peace
Avoid the Trap of Spiritual Ego
Why awakening changes everything
About the Program
Mental Health Issues End with Awakening
Peace, nature and so many magical spaces

The retreat is a 40-acre, natural paradise with 5 lakes, ancient woodland and so many enchanted spaces, located on the Devon and Cornwall border in the UK. It's the perfect place to learn, practice, live and reveal your true, limitless being.
12 luxury, boho cabins for peaceful lakeside stays in a natural paradise.
Cabins are fully equipped for self-catered stays, and find a peaceful, home from home with no TV or distractions.

12 new and individually styled, luxury, boho oak cabins
Cabins are individually boho styled with everything you could need for the most comfortable, self-catered stay. Central heating and super insulation bring winter warmth and summer cool. Views of the devon countryside stars and lake are amazing. Private car parking is standard.

King size bedrooms
(Double or twin)
All bedrooms are super comfortable and king size. Most convert to twin beds too, so offer amazing comfort even with up to 4 sharing. All have high threadcount linens and peaceful silence for a perfect nights sleep.

Open plan living space, indoor, outdoor dining
The living spaces are large and sumptuous with comfortable chairs, bean bags and boho styling. Most open up onto the large deck bringing the outdoors in. There fast internet but no TV, to allow you to unplug and find your peace.

Fully fitted kitchens with every appliance
Kitchens are brand new with every appliances. Hob, oven, microwave, dishwasher, fridge and freezer are all included together with a washing machine. The 4 seater breakfast bar makes a cosy home from home.

Option of private, shared with en-suite or dorm cabin
Choose a cabin to yourself and bring friends or a partner, or share a same sex cabin with 1 other guest in a private king bedroom with an en-suite bathroom. Choose a dorm cabin (same sex) for a single bed in one of two twin rooms and a shared cabin bathroom.

It's a 40 acre paradise designed for peace.
Every cabin is within this natural haven, some on the lakes, some on the hilsides above. There's 5 lakes, woodland, endless walks, beautiful seating and firepit spaces, bistro, bars and and a whole calendar of welnness experiences to be joined.
Book a Call with Hannah & Jason
If you'd like to discuss the butterfly program further before applying or to have a more personal discussion with Jason & Hannah, book a discovery call to see what's right for you. It's usually a group call, which helps expose more questions but private calls are available on request.

"What if by truly understanding the mechanism of the mind, thoughts and self, you could unlock the most profound inner peace and happiness, and change your whole life?"
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Choose Your Start Date
What's Included?
Luxury accomodation choices
Private cabin (groups of 1 - 4 ppl)
Shared same sex cabin
Transformation & Awakening program
24 hours+ of talks & workshops
Daily talks & workshops on 10 days
Personal transformation plan
Course materials & practice guide
Personal 1 to 1 coaching
A life-changing awakening
All talks recommended but optional
14 Day Masterclass in meditation
Foundational & self practice courses
Daily coaching
Daily group Zazen meditation
Daily group bliss meditation
Self practice lessons & sessions
Walks, movement & dance
Kriya and unfocussed lessons
Schedule of facilitations including:
- 4+ x Shamanic breathwork
4+ x Nidra & Hypnosis. Sleep Yoga
2+ x Brian sync meditations
Upto 2 guided meditations per day
2+ x Sound Ceremony
1 x Ecstatic dance
Access to retreat spaces and facilities
Cold water / wild lake swimming
Breakfast & dinner 5 days each week.
Community cooking & dining
includes all food, all diets
Tea coffee and non-alcoholic drinks.
2 x Community Firepit Cookouts