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Butterfly Club
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The Butterfly Program
Find inner peace, holistically heal
& awaken to truly love your life.

Start your retreat any date from 9th September

Take time and space outside your current life and reality, to immerse in a different way to think, live and feel.

Our Devon retreat is a peaceful sanctuary where ancient teachings, practices and magical, consciousness expanding experiences combine to awaken and bring new perspective, balance, joy, peace and holistic healing.

Stay 30 days+ for the fully immersive program, or if time is limited join the 14 night intensive which restarts at 7pm on the second friday of each month.


Join the community anytime for a time-out & meditation only stay of 7 - 90 days.

To feel good in the outer world, we must first feel peace in our inner world. This inner journey of self enquiry and discovery will bring the deepest level of awakening, holistic healing and peace inside. It will reveal your limitless being.

Why stay with us?

You want time out to change your whole life, feel good, and find inner peace and purpose.

You want to heal, and dissolve the cause of mental health issues and addiction permanently.

You want to learn deep meditation practices, raise your consciousness and explore the metaphysical.

You want to awaken,
realise your true self, grow spiritually, and find flow, intuition and connection.

An introduction to the program

A life-long search for Inner peace & balance is core to all of us.

Until we find it, endless mind noise brings perpetual anxiety, a need to chase and avoid, lost fulfillment, mental suffering and seeking, the fiercest self critic and a feeling of being trapped with a repetitve need to escape.


There's 12 luxury boho cabins, built and fully equipped for shared or private transformational stays, together with so many magical places to meet, learn, expand consciousness and come together as a like-minded community.

The retreat is a 40-acre, natural paradise with 5 lakes, ancient woodland and so many enchanted spaces, located on the Devon and Cornwall border in the UK. It's the perfect place to learn, practice, live and reveal your true, limitless being.

"What if by truly understanding the mechanism of the mind, thoughts and self, you could unlock the most profound inner peace and happiness, and change your whole life?"

Change your life forever with the butterfly program

The program brings together 4 powerful elements that, when experienced together, will change you and everything in your life, forever.

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The butterfly program is a journey from internal mind noise, limiting beliefs and feeling trapped to stillness, thoughtless presence and limitless connection

"Self realisation and awakening is the only truly effective way to dissolve the root cause of all overthinking, anxiety, depression, fear, trauma, sadness, dependency and addiction"


A much needed exit with space and time away from your everyday life and societal reality. A moment of freedom from the need to overthink it all.

Sometimes we have to exit our own reality in order to gain a clearer view of our lives. Time away from the people, places and circumstances allows us to find space and time to discover our true self, and see our reality for what it actually is. A change in perspective is only possible when we see things clearly, without all the overthinking.

Time in a community who are defying the conditioned life construct and who live very differently, will also allow you to stop, ask the right questions and to evolve, ascend and transcend. This will bring new freedom, fulfillment and purpose.

Ask yourself if you have ever given yourself the time to truly stop, relax and drop the fight to make life work?

Well here you will, and there aren't even any TV's to distract you!



When involuntary thinking stops, all your suffering ends!


Jason & Hannah

This selection of useful videos will help you get to know us before your stay.


We host many of the talks, workshops and practices, and are experienced facilitators in both meditation and  several modalities of facilitations for metaphysical journey.


Having undergone personal crisis ourselves, healed and awakened, this program follows on from our book "The holistic masterclass in how to truly love life" with a coherent, in-person program that truly works to reveal inner peace. 


So much so, we built this amazing retreat just to share it. Watch the videos to learn a little more about us, the retreat and the basis of the Butterfly Program.

A typical day on retreat

You only suffer when you think

Why awakening changes everything

Overcome addiction, find peace

A magical life can be yours

Mental Health Issues End with Awakening

Avoid the Trap of Spiritual Ego


Butterfly club articles & videos

The butterfly club online community is free to join, with a library of free articles, videos, online events, courses and the retreat bookable session schedule..


Book a Discovery Call

If you'd like to discuss the butterfly program further before applying or to have a more personal discussion with Jason & Hannah, book a discovery call to see what's right for you. It's usually a group call, which helps expose more questions but private calls are available on request.


Instagram | @zen_jungle

Google & Amazon Reviews

Verified retreat, book & stay reviews

Our 40 acre Devon retreat operates similarly to a yoga ashram. You can join a like-minded community in life-changing transformation, practices and facilitations with flexible arrival dates and stay length.


Choose a retreat option, arrival date (from 9th September) and stay length of 7 to 90 days using the options below 


  • Life-changing Transformation
    Perfect for those wanting to change their lives, dissolve the cause of mental health issues or awaken and grow spiritually. Includes all talks, workshops, practices, facilitations, food and accomodation. 

    • 30+ Day Immersive arrive any date you choose for stays of 30+ days spanning at least one beginning and end of the 14 day intensive.

    • 14 Day Intensive is a condensed retreat for those with less time. It restarts at 7pm every second friday of every month.

  • Time Out & Meditation Stays
    Perfect for those want time out and to immerse in practices and facilitations, within a like-minded community on a journey to inner peace. Includes practices, facilitations, food and accomodation.

    • ​7 Days or more arrive any day you choose and stay for up to 90 days for practices and facilitations only (subject to availability). There's an option to switch to transformation should your dates and stay length permit it, making it a great way to try a stay before you commit.

What's Included?

  • Luxury, self catered cabin choice:

    • Dorm room cabin (sleeps 4)​​

    • Shared ensuite cabin (2 guests)
    • Private cabin to yourself 
  • Personal transformation plan

  • Regular talks and workshops

  • Tuition for all techniques and practices

  • Regular personal coaching sessions

  • Regular guided sessions and meditations

  • Regular schedule of facilitations including:

    • Shamanic breathwork​

    • Nidra (Mind awake body asleep)

    • Hemispheric sync meditations

    • Sound Ceremony

    • Kriya Meditations

  • Access to retreat spaces and facilities​

  • Shared food with the community

    • Breakfast & dinner 5 days per week

Accomodation & Pricing

Private Cabin

A home from home all to yourself with king bed, kitchen, private bathroom and more.

7 - 29 Nights = £125 / night
30 - 59 Nights = £100 / night

60+ Nights = £90 / night

Shared En-suite Cabin

Take one of two king rooms with private bathroom in a fully equipped cabin (same sex)

7 - 29 Nights = £90 / night
30 - 59 Nights = £75 / night

60+ Nights = £65 / night

Dorm Room Cabin

Take a single bed in one of two twin rooms, shared bathroom, fully equipped (Sleeps 4 same sex)

7 - 29 Nights = £75 / night
30 - 59 Nights = £60 / night

60+ Nights = £50 / night

14 Day Intensive, 30+ Day Immersive & Time Out Retreats are all priced as above. Simply calculate your overall cost by choosing an accomodation option and using your intended stay length.

This is a path to a better life and a peaceful, independent, happy you. Time to reboot your soul and live a life you don't feel a need to escape from. 

Ancient wisdom and deep understanding of the workings of your mind, will fundamentally change how you see life. 

Most of us are unconsciously submerged in a life we have accepted as the way all humans live. 


We are often overwhelmed with the weight of life, unaware we have simply accepted societal ideas and are living them without seeing an option. While we are immersed in these collective limiting beliefs, life feels repetitive, with no access to real freedom.

The talks and workshops will reveal the mechanism of the mind, including how subjective ideas like the wants, needs, preferences, fears and expectations we make into important personal truths, later drive our every thought, word and action, reaction, behaviour and feelings.


You will learn how these limiting beliefs create a whole new personal reality and place a veil over the truth of life, learning to dissolve them and move quickly toward freedom, peace, fulfillment, deep connection and unlimited possibilities.


Guidance in a tool set of transformative techniques will allow self led practice to raise consciousness, find inner bliss, and become stepping stones to deep inner peace.

The daily schedule at the retreat is filled with regular practice and self enquiry. A combination of meditation teachings and guided and unguided meditations, presence and conscious communication will take you on a journey to becoming a master meditator with the ability to guide yourself and others in immersive practices.


You will then join with others, immersing in conscious communication, presence, meditation and karma meditation activities, in an ongoing combination of scheduled guided and unguided practice together with self practice until it becomes a way of life. The result being almost permanent bliss and peace.

This committed combination of practices will have profound impact in helping to dissolve the cause of all overthinking, anxiety, depression, anger, trauma, fear, dependency, addiction and insecurity.


Importantly, this process is also passive. Meaning that these practices allow for "letting go" on a purely energetic level without sharing or suppression, which only ever energises the root cause of these patterns making them recurrent.

By the end of the program, these practices will become part of your inherent state of being, ceasing to be routines or rituals you need to make time for or depend upon.

Retreat Meditation

With practice and regular non-psychedelic facilitations you will be progressively exposed to the magical, metaphysical realms

With experiences such as breathwork and nidra, these journeys in consciousness expose your true nature and give sight of the infinite,.limitless being you are, exposing your access to the underlying magic, experiences and knowledge of consciousness.


As something most people have never encountered or often don't believe possible, these direct and tangible experiences help us to see things very differently and expose that the limitations we have created within our lives are of our own making and have been adopted from others with those limiting beliefs.

As we do regular facilitations on the program, you will gently and progressively experience the magic of other realms of consciousness. After the initial surprise and aprehension, these journeys become a real favourite with our guests and create a thirst for deeper exploration. They will fundamentally change your views on life and yourself at at the deepest, existential levels.

Most of us and our friends have never heard of or been exposed to the power of consciousness in our lives so far, so it really helps to bring home how small the conditioned lives we lead are. By doing so it opens up a new life of transcendence and infinite possibility with so much more to explore, and all of it within your self. 

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